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Traffic Study Gives Green Light To Route 130 Subdivision In Mashpee

Jun 09, 2023

A traffic study for a proposed subdivision on Main Street (Route 130) in Mashpee concluded that the project can be done in a “safe and efficient manner” as long as certain recommendations are followed.

After hearing a summary of the study results at its meeting on Wednesday, August 2, the planning board requested the applicant pursue the recommendations. Members then voted to discuss the proposal again on September 20.

The applicant, Marcello Mallegni of Forestdale Road LLC, is proposing a nine-lot subdivision at 532 Main Street. The subdivision, which is approximately 18 acres, would be located between Nicoletta’s Way and Echo Road, two roads that intersect Main Street on the western side.

The application also plans to build a new subdivision access road, Leamar Drive, which would intersect Main Street between Nicoletta’s Way and Echo Road.

Last year, nearby residents expressed concerns that the additional road would lead to inconvenient and unsafe increases in traffic as well as a disruption of the bike path, which parallels and crosses Main Street in the area.

The board awarded a traffic study for the project to traffic engineering firm Vanasse & Associates Inc. on December 21.

Jeffrey S. Dirk, the managing partner at Vanasse, summarized the study for the board on Wednesday. He said that under average conditions, Main Street sees about 10,775 vehicles per day, a number that jumps up to 13,775 in peak summer conditions.

Assuming the subdivision’s nine lots will house specialty trade contractors, Vanasse estimated the project would add 884 vehicle trips on an average weekday.

However, their report concludes by saying that the project “will not result in a significant impact (increase) on motorist delays or vehicle queuing” over anticipated future conditions without the project.

Vanasse’s recommendations included marked stop lines at the Main Street intersections for Echo Road and Nicoletta’s Way, as well as visibility improvements for the nearby bike path crossing and a connected sidewalk for Leamar Drive.

They also recommended Leamar Drive be at least 24 feet wide and be designed to accommodate turning requirements for a tractor semi-trailer and large emergency vehicles.

Town Planner Evan R. Lehrer confirmed that the road is currently proposed to be 24 feet wide.

Arden Russell Cadrin, a resident of nearby Sturgis Lane, suggested that rather than approve a new road intersecting Main Street, the town could take the privately owned Nicoletta’s Way and then condition that the subdivision use it for access.

At a board meeting in December 2022, members of the Nicoletta’s Way Association said they offered a deal to the applicant that would have allowed the use of Nicoletta’s Way in exchange for a roughly $300,000 fee and road resurfacing.

They said the applicant stopped responding to communications before the contract was signed, despite a verbal agreement between lawyers.

Lance Lambros, a member of the association who spoke to the board in December, addressed the idea again on Wednesday.

“We gave the applicant a proposal that we thought was fair,” he said. “We don’t understand why it didn’t work, but we want to let you know that we still stand ready to make a deal with him in response to what the planning board asked us to do and what the neighbors have asked us to do.”

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The board referred a proposal for a 130-foot cell tower at 524 Great Neck Road North to the Cape Cod Commission for review.

At a board meeting in early July, chairwoman Karen D. Faulkner explained that since the project is qualified as a Development of Regional Impact, it must immediately be referred to the commission.

If the commission approves the project, which is being proposed by Cellco Partnership doing business as Verizon Wireless, it will come back before the planning board.

Board members also agreed to hold public hearings for the zoning articles submitted to the select board for October Town Meeting on September 6.

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